1. Get organized! Since we moved into the house, I have a lot of organization to do. I don't just want to find a place for everything, but also get into the habit of putting things back where they go when I'm done. My classroom is also still a work in progress. Lots of random things to organize with very little storage.
2. Excercise! I've lost a lot of weight b/c of my gluten-free diet (low in carbs) and because of my hectic job, but I have not been working out. I think if I start working out I will see results pretty easily, since I do have a head start by losing weight.
3. Art! Especially this summer, I want to focus on being really productive with my art, entering shows, and hopefully writing and finishing my thesis.
4. Staying in Touch! I have not been very good at staying in touch with friends lately (besides facebook ) and I want to work harder to call and catch up with people that I haven't talked to in a while.
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