Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One Year Anniversary!

I can't believe it's already been a year since we were married! It is kind of overwhelming to think of everything that we have done within this year!

we graduated from TU, moved to LA, Glenn started law school,I interviewed for jobs, I found a job, quit my job, found a MUCH better job, learned how to get around LA, Glenn quit law school, got 2 job offers in TX, accepted the one in Houston, we packed up all of our stuff, drove back from LA to Lake Jackson, we now are in the process of moving into our new apartment in Pearland...whew!

We are happy to be back in a familiar place and to have our little Molly back. We are also thrilled to have a washer and dryer and a garage! yay!


Susan said...

It's crazy how much can happen in a year! I hope things settle down for you guys. Good luck in Pearland!