Sunday, July 1, 2007

City of Enchantment

I have been in Lake Jackson for a couple of weeks now. I miss Glenn terribly and I still have almost a month more until I see him! I'm not sure how I'll survive that long!
In a way it is nice, but weird to be home with my parents. I guess it is weird because I realize that it isn't really my home anymore...I'm kind of in-between homes! Well actually I suppose now my home is wherever Glenn is, but it is no longer Tulsa and not yet Los Angeles at the moment. It's nice b/c my parents are taking care of me and I don't have to worry about adult things like paying rent or grocery shopping...and it's nice to spend time with my parents as always.
UCLA is being slow about assigning us an apartment, so as of right now we are still waiting to hear where we will be living and when we can move in! I am getting impatient!!!!
Pics of me and the fam coming soon...