Monday, March 9, 2009


I have been a bad, boring blogger lately! I'll tell you what I have been up to lately...

TODAY I did an all day observation of the art classes at a district near me that I would love to work for! I was a little nervous beforehand because I wanted to make a good impression but once I got there I really just enjoyed being around the students, with the art teachers, and in a creative learning environment! I sort of feel at home in the art classroom, which is a good thing! Although I know my first year of teaching will be hard, I feel much less nervous and intimidated about everything (both the hiring process as well as my ability to be a good teacher). I'm just ready to get hired somewhere so I can celebrate and stop worrying about the "what-if" I don't get a job scenario. After I got home from 7 hours of observing, Glenn and I ate at Olive Garden and even got dessert! I enjoyed it immensely! Now I'm half way through my observation hours for certification.

I've also been substituting now that the computer system that communicates with subs is working. That was a small battle that I don't feel like getting into. $90/ day is not bad for babysitting! ;-)

I'm working hard in my Grad school classes. This takes most of my time these days. I've started my series of portraits but sorry I don't have pictures yet. The only totally finished piece is in the People's Choice show at the Brazosport Art League for this month. It is a show where visitors to the gallery vote and the artists with the top 3 most popular work win monetary prizes. I don't expect to win, but if it happened I could use the buy more art supplies! (they are SO expensive)

My online teaching certification class is getting on my nerves. Whose idea was it to do a group project in an online class? No matter how competent the group partners are it is a difficult situation. I'll be glad when this class is behind me!

Also I have to write my mid-term paper for one of my grad classes this week...not looking forward to that.

Last but not least- it is Glenn and my 2nd Wedding Anniversary tomorrow! I decided not to take any sub jobs and don't have class. Glenn is taking the day off so we can spend the day together! I'm not sure what we are going to do, but whatever it is it will be fun!